our Story
The father and son duo of Garry and Mac Rainsford have petrol running through their veins. With a combined passion and knowledge for anything to do with cars and bikes, Garry and Mac make up the team that is Rainsford’s Collectable Cars.
Garry Rainsford
A collector at heart , Garry has been involved with motor cars all of his life - Veteran, Vintage, Classic and Historic Competition cars. His first car was an MG TC that would never steer in a straight line!
Garry's mechanical knowledge through his rallying and racing , as well as his expertise and experience in the motor industry over the past 40 years, have fuelled his passion for classic cars.
Over the years, Garry has built up his own collection, including a 1911 Vauxhall, 3 Litre Bentley (the oldest Bentley in the Southern Hemisphere), Lotus Super 7, Mini Cooper S, HRG 1500, 100/4 Austin Healey, , 3-Wheeler Morgan, Porsche 993 Turbo, 1970 Dodge Challenger,1965 Ford Mustang fastback and Ford Escort BDA rally car.
Garry has been a member of the Sporting Car Club of South Australia since 1968. He has also been a member of the Bentley Drivers Club UK (SA Region) since 1980.
Mac Rainsford
Mac has been a classic car enthusiast since he was born! His first car was a Mk2 Ford Escort 2 door which he modified and terrorized the streets of Adelaide.
Mac has been involved in the motor industry all of his working life and is a qualified motor mechanic by trade and also worked for the South Australian government as a vehicle inspector for many years. Having experience working on vintage, classic, race and rally cars and motorcycles, Mac has an old vehicle obsession with his current fleet including a 1960 Mercedes Benz 220seb “finnie”, a Ford Escort Mk1 2 door which he has owned for over 16 years, and various other cars and motorbikes (most of which are on historic registration).
Mac has been involved in motor sport (racing and crewing) since he was 16 years old including dirt rally, circuit racing, hill climbs and tarmac rally.
Mac is currently a member of the Sporting Car Club of SA and the Sport Car Drivers South Australia. The Rainsford tradition continues through Mac and his infatuation with anything petrol related.