Halladay Model 32 Speedster 1912
Halladay Model 32 Speedster 1912
We believe this wonderful car to be the only complete survivor in the world. The Halladay was manufactured in small numbers by the Streator Motor Company of Streator, Illinois from 1905-1913 and until 1922 by Halliday Motor Car Company of Newark, Ohio. This 1912 model 32 was found near Dimboolah,Victoria in the 1950's mechanically complete but with no body. It has been beautifully restored from the ground up by Eric Rainsford. The car is fitted with its large original 30hp Continental engine and 3 speed gearbox and all its correct features including Bosch ZU4 magneto, Schebbler carburettor, huge brass Rushmore headlights and period searchlamp.This imposing car looks fantastic and performs extremely well. A very special opportunity.
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